My Baby Registry the Second Time Around

Our baby registry is all about upgrading some basics and repurchasing much loved items. As well as some Winter baby must haves

Our baby registry is fairly simple and straight forward. I tend to lean more minimal for baby supplies. But there are a few things that we need to pick up this time around and our baby registry is either upgrades from some equipment we currently have, different styles of things we want to try out, repeat buys on a few well-loved items and just a few new things.

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The Biggest Difference in our Baby Registry… Cold-Weather Gear

When Bitty was born, it was August in Alabama. Needless to say, she didn’t need hats, or socks, or pants most days…Bean won’t be that lucky. With a due date at the beginning of February in Colorado, there are some clothing basics that we need this time around on our baby registry

  • Booties
    • we had one pair for Bitty her first winter and they were magic. They never fell off, were easy to get on and they kept her toes warm. I want like 5 more pairs…
  • Hats
  • Stroller sleep and play
    • I want to make an effort to still get out of the house as much as possible and I feel like this is the best way to keep the baby warm while still able to be outside some. Let me know if you have any other ideas!


  • Newborn gowns
    • I prefered these when Bitty was tiny, but we only had a couple. This time around I kind of intend to have bean wear them all the time…lol
  • Bibs
    • Bitty didn’t wear a lot of bibs and her clothes show for it…I want to try and limit the staining…and the laundry a bit and have Bean wear more bibs

Baby Wearing all the way

I wore Bitty a fair amount when she was little. Every morning when we took the dog on a walk, afternoons at work while I tended to the nanny crew and weekends running errands. We have a boba wrap and an ergo 360 that we loved. Knowing how hectic life will be with a toddler and a newborn I want a few other options for babywearing as I feel like Bean is going to be strapped on quite a bit.

  • baby k’tan
    • I had no issues with the boba wrap except that it took time to get set up. Not ideal when on the go. I think the k’tan will work better for quick car side baby loading
  • sling wrap
  • ergo infant insert

Baby registry basics

I feel like if there should be one thing you but on your baby register for your second baby its diapers. And wipes. And more diapers. You’ve been there, you’ve seen how many diapers they go through. It cannot hurt to have a couple of extra cases sitting in the garage.

Along that same line, infant Tylenol, gripe water and butt cream are all great basics to have on hand as well. (I would also say lotion or soap but honestly, we still have stuff leftover from Bitty’s baby days…)

Some new pacifiers and pacifier chains are also on our baby registry. I swear those things get up and walk away when you’re not looking. The pacifier chain also doubles as a great handle to hunt for when everything falls to the bottom of the diaper bag.

The Swaddle situation

Mr. fell in LOVE with velcro swaddles when Bitty was little. I swear he gave up on the traditional swaddles after maybe a week and that’s being generous. So this time I would be surprised if we even get home before he’s using the velcro swaddles.

I am a touch more adventurous and I want to try out a knit swaddle, because well why not?

In addition to the swaddle blankets, I do have a traditional blanket on the baby registry. We have a couple of the silky soft swaddles from aden + anais and they were my favorite for Bitty so when I saw they make a proper blanket with that material I knew I wanted to try it out.

A Shared Space for Toddler and baby

Bean and Bitty will be sharing a room. Not really from the get-go as Bean will be in our room for the most part for quite a few months, but with that said there are a couple of nursery essentials that I thought could do with an upgrade for when the transition happens

  • audio baby monitor
    • we have a video monitor and I hate it. The battery life sucks and its always dropping the signal. I just want a simple audio monitor so I can hear when the baby cries. Is that too much to ask?
  • humidifier
    • when Bitty was a baby we lived in the south. Where it’s humid no matter what you do. This time around it may be a good idea to have this.
  • Hatch baby nightlight/sound machine
    • We just used a bedside lamp for night feedings with Bitty. I feel like something a little more subtle would be a good idea. PLUS this has the bonus of being a white noise machine and an okay to wake clock if we ever need that feature!
  • Crib mattress
    • Bitty will be taking her current crib mattress to her toddler bed so we need a new one for the crib
  • Pack and play mattress
    • Bitty slept in the pack and play for 4 months, I intend for Bean to stay a little longer, I thought it might be nice to make it a little more comfortable
  • Rug
    • The rug we currently have is filthy and I don’t know that I can get it clean…so we are on the hunt for a new rug, I also wouldn’t mind a slightly larger rug for the slightly larger room

Baby Playtime

Honestly baby’s don’t need much as far as toys go and we have plenty of things between Bitty’s old stuff and her current toy collection so these are just some fun looking things that I didn’t know about the first time around!

The Baby Registry is for Mama Too

I nursed Bitty for over a year and I intend to do the same for Bean is everything works out. And I am not kidding when I say I LIVED in these tank tops they were supportive enough that I didn’t need a bra in addition, the most flattering for that postpartum belly, and comfortable enough to use as pajamas as well. I knew I wanted to add some other colors to the mix, as well as prolong how long I could go before I had to do laundry. 😉

I also intend to have a natural delivery, again if everything works in my favor. So there are some basic recovery supplies that I want to have on hand instead of running to Walgreens less than a week postpartum…like last time…

Create an Amazon Baby Registry

There are multiple benefits to an Amazon registry. From the handy checklist to help your mom-brain remember what it was you needed. To the Completion discount you can use to pick up any necessities you didn’t receive and the super convenient diaper fund that loved ones can contribute to! Also, did I mention the free welcome box?!

If you want to see more examples of the things that I am registered for you can check out this link!

Our Baby Registry is Much Smaller the Second Time Around

Our baby registry is much smaller and simpler the second time around!

Bean will be our second child, and with that comes that world of hand me downs! We kept nearly everything from when Bitty was a baby so all the major bases are covered. What we registered for is mostly bonus or to replace things that have been used and abused beyond further use.

What kind of things did you pick up for your second kid or did you find absolutely necessary. I am all ears and would love to read your comments!

If you want to follow along and get more updates with baby Bean, make sure and follow my Instagram where now that the bump is really starting to show I’m sure it will be making plenty of appearances!

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2 Replies to “My Baby Registry the Second Time Around”

  1. This is great!
    One suggestion- pediatricians and safe sleep groups strongly advocate for not adding a mattress to the pack n play (even though it sounds more comfortable).

    1. I have never heard that before! We plan on keeping this baby in our room for a longer time than our first, but the pack and play is the only thing that will fit in our room. Do you have any resources about adding the mattress?

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