Toddler Toy Closet Organization

The toy closet keeps all her toys together and organized so that come rotation day finding what we want to put out on her play shelf is a snap! We don’t use a complete bin system, I’m sure we will get to that but I currently prefer doing custom rotations and my organization system is set up to suit that!

a title card for our toy closet organization system showing plastic drawer units filled with colorful toys

You’ll have to forgive the poor quality photos…its a closet. The lighting just isn’t up to par. lol

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Black Bean Garden Sensory Bin

The month of May is all about getting outside and watching things grow. Outside isn’t ALWAYS an option. So here is a little garden of “dirt” she can play with inside without a huge mess! The Black Bean Garden Sensory bin is super simple to set up and we had most of the supplies at home already!

a title card for a black bean garden sensory bin showing a toddler pinching a bean

This is a great activity to practice pouring and transferring. Also, the beans are super simple to clean up if there is a spill!

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Toddler Play Shelfie – April 29 – May 10

I am soo ready for winter to be over and to spend more time outside and make use of all our new outside toys we got from Easter! I’m hopeful that the time is quickly approaching!

title card for our toddler play shelfie for the first part of May

This week’s toy rotation actually had me a little stumped. I try and have a rounded selection of toys. From construction to imagination to fine motor to logic, and so on. She’s really not ready for anything literacy or number based, so we haven’t really gotten into that.

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Our Favorite Toddler Board Books

We LOVE books.

We own more books than anything else I would say. Instilling a love of books and reading is so so important for little brains. I won’t get into the science behind it, I’m not nearly educated enough to do so! lol

To this day I love to read (having the time to do so is another story…) and I hope that Sidney grows up to love reading as much as her daddy and I do.

title card for our favorite toddler board books
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Toddler Play Shelfie – April 15th

This was the first time in a long time that I actually forgot about toy rotation…

We had family in town in and out of the house for most of last week so Bitty just didn’t spend as much time at home and what time she did spend here she was thoroughly entertained with her grandparents.

title card for toddler play shelfie

So this morning I had to make a decision. Do I rotate before she may be ready or do I rotate before things get stale?

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