25+ Big Sister Books to Welcome a New Baby to the Family!

Books are quite possibly my favorite resource for teaching kids about the world around them and welcoming a new baby to the family is no different! We have found a bunch of big sister books that cover everything from pregnancy to what it’s going to be like to have a tiny baby in the house to what becoming a big sister will actually look like.

a pin image that reads +25 big sibling books to prepare for a new baby in a blue circle overlaying a white crig that has picture books scattered all over the mattress
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Must-Have Baby Led Weaning Gear Guide

Our Baby Led Weaning Gear gets used every day and is honestly some of the more used baby gear we own. Bean is my second babe to BLW (baby led wean) and as such we have developed a few preferences. I thought I might save you the time and hassle of trying every suction plate on the market (hot tip…none of them REALLY suction perfectly) and share our Baby Led Weaning gear guide with you!

a top down shot of a yogurt mess after a baby's breakfast with yogurt all over the table the suction plate, the bin and the highchair with a text overlay that reads baby led weaning gear guide
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15 Easy Ideas for 3 – 6 Month Old Playtime

Your sweet tiny nugget is no longer a newborn and suddenly they want real entertainment. What do you do?! 3 – 6 month old playtime is all about building muscle and growing teeth. You’ll spend a lot of time finding new things to chew on and new ways to encourage prolonged tummy time or sitting distractions while they build those muscles. 

Fun baby activities for 3 - 6 month old playtime using lots of things you already have laying around your house for babies 3 - 6 months old. Invitations for each month that help support development and encourage growth to reach those milestones! #babyplay #3-6monthold #babyactivites #babyplaytime #invitationtoplay
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Rock Newborn Playtime with 15 Fun & Simple Ways to Play

I know it seems crazy to consider playing with your newborn. All they do sleep, eat, poop, and repeat right? As they get just a little bit their wake windows widen and there is finally time for newborn playtime!

Newborn playtime is super simple. You don't need much to stimulate your baby's senses and help develop their brain and have plenty of fun along the way!

Newborn playtime is really rather simple, it’s mostly about introducing your baby to new sensory experiences. New sights, textures, sounds, and movements.

If your looking more for newborn care must haves I have a blog post all about what our essential supplies were!

Continue reading “Rock Newborn Playtime with 15 Fun & Simple Ways to Play”