Rainbow Toy Rotation – March 2021
I have had an idea rolling around in the back of my brain for a while. I wanted to try and do a rainbow toy rotation and boy it didn’t disappoint! I love all the bright colors so much!

Top 10 Tips to Toy Storage Success and Easier Toy Rotations
If you rotate toys then there is a major dilemma that you have to solve, what is your toy storage solution going to be?!

Tons of Amazing Ideas for a One Year Old Easter Basket
Everything You Could Need for an Awesome Preschooler Easter Basket!
Preschooler and Toddler Playroom Toy Rotation – February 2021
I can deny it no longer. My toddler is a preschooler and my baby is a toddler and our playroom toy rotation has had to grow and change with them!

Sweet Bean’s One Year Old Update
Well, an entire year has come and gone and my sweet little Bean is not so little anymore! Welcome to Bean’s One year old update!

In a year with plenty of things to remember these baby updates have helped me remember the things that REALLY matter (at least to me!)
Continue reading “Sweet Bean’s One Year Old Update”How we use Montessori Color Tablets for Easy Homeschool Fun!
I recently shared how I created a custom set of Montessori Inspired Color Tablets and now I want to show you all how to actually USE them in activities with your preschooler!

How to Create a Stunning Rainbow of Custom DIY Montessori Color Tablets
One of the most beautiful Montessori materials is the sets of color tablets. There is just something about the rainbow of shades sitting so neatly in the box that I find so inviting! I knew I just HAD to do my own take on them and create some DIY Montessori Color Tablets!

How to make an Arctic Small World Sensory Bin
A fun way to add a little winter play into your day is to set up a chilly arctic small world sensory bin! Using Epsom salt as the filler you can get some beautiful sparkly snow, then add in some polar animals and some ice crystals for good measure, and your all set!