DIY Sensory Bin Table Walkthrough

Our DIY sensory bin table began long ago, at least the idea of it did. Shortly after I started sensory bins with Bitty I got the grand idea to make a sensory table for the back porch. The idea was always for it to be outside. She would have her smaller indoor tray and then the large table outside. It also served as a way to avoid having both a sandbox and a water table for her to play in as the sensory table could do both!

title card for DIY sensory bin table build walkthrough with toddler playing at table in a green backyard with evening sun light
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Toddler Toy Closet Organization

The toy closet keeps all her toys together and organized so that come rotation day finding what we want to put out on her play shelf is a snap! We don’t use a complete bin system, I’m sure we will get to that but I currently prefer doing custom rotations and my organization system is set up to suit that!

a title card for our toy closet organization system showing plastic drawer units filled with colorful toys

You’ll have to forgive the poor quality photos…its a closet. The lighting just isn’t up to par. lol

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Black Bean Garden Sensory Bin

The month of May is all about getting outside and watching things grow. Outside isn’t ALWAYS an option. So here is a little garden of “dirt” she can play with inside without a huge mess! The Black Bean Garden Sensory bin is super simple to set up and we had most of the supplies at home already!

a title card for a black bean garden sensory bin showing a toddler pinching a bean

This is a great activity to practice pouring and transferring. Also, the beans are super simple to clean up if there is a spill!

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DIY Loose Parts Toys

The first time I heard the term loose parts was last fall; and trust me, you and your kids have played with loose parts. You just maybe haven’t used that term.

Tips tricks and advice on how to make your own DIY rainbow Waldorf inspired wood loose parts toys

Loose parts play is just providing random loose parts for kids to do whatever they want with. They might make them play food or make patterns out of them. They might see how high they can stack them or sort them by color. The idea is that it is entirely up to your kid and their imagination!

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