With the holiday season upon us and many families getting ready to hit the road I wanted to share some of our tried and true favorites toddler road trip essentials!

my little corner of organized crafty chaos
With the holiday season upon us and many families getting ready to hit the road I wanted to share some of our tried and true favorites toddler road trip essentials!
For me, and lots of other women the 2nd trimester is the easy one. Your not too big and uncomfortable, hopefully, the morning sickness and exhaustion have lessened and you sorta feeling like yourself again. Not to mention the tiny baby kicks and the arrival of that bump!
If you follow along with my sensory bins adventures you will remember my Halloween loose parts sensory bin. It was such a hit that I wanted to follow in its footsteps so to say and I created our Fall loose parts sensory bin!
I want to start a tradition. Every fall I want to make a family update. Think of it like the letters your grandparents used to send out with their Christmas cards every year. A quick recap of what life has been like and how everyone is doing.
Continue reading “2019 Fall Family Update”The start of the holiday season means that our November toy rotation is sure to be played with a little less than usual, and I don’t mind. Last month our October toy rotation definitely got a little stale by the end of the month so some extra excitement and loved ones to play with will surely help keep things more interesting this month
Continue reading “November Free Play Toy Rotation”For our 2019 November Tot School themes, we are going to pretend that it doesn’t look and feel like winter just yet and we are going to play with the color Brown, Trees and fall leaves, and Oval as our shape. We will also be talking about thanksgiving and doing lots of cooking!
Our Halloween Sensory Bin is simple but it has everything we love in a sensory bin; scoops and tongs, some tiny toys and a few colorful loose parts.
Continue reading “Halloween Loose Parts Sensory Bin”This is for all my fellow planners out there. The people that can’t leave things until the last minute and want plenty of time to research and make an educated purchase for their family. My 2019 Gift Guide covers some of our tried and true favorites as well as some much-desired gifts as well!
Our baby registry is fairly simple and straight forward. I tend to lean more minimal for baby supplies. But there are a few things that we need to pick up this time around and our baby registry is either upgrades from some equipment we currently have, different styles of things we want to try out, repeat buys on a few well-loved items and just a few new things.
Continue reading “My Baby Registry the Second Time Around”Our 2-year-old routine hasn’t changed too much from Bitty’s 18-month routine but there have been a couple of changes so I thought I would make an update! I am a firm believer in toddler routines. They thrive on predictability and honestly, it keeps me motivated as well. So in case you are looking to update your toddler routine now that your little is getting older then read on!