Toddler Play Shelfie – April 1st

Another toy rotation in the books! I rotate every two weeks normally; though this was technically a three-week rotation because we were gone for a whole week in the middle for a little “spring break”. This was the first time that I considered leaving the toys for a little longer. As I was watching her play over the weekend she was still interacting well with a few of the items! In the end I did decide to change most of it out but we did have out first repeat toy this time so we’ll see how that goes!

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Toddler Play Shelf – March 11th

If you have never tried toy rotations you really should! It’s amazing how much more they will play with something when they just haven’t seen it for a while! I rotate 6-8 toys, as well as a puzzle. Her babydolls, play kitchen, some blocks and her gross motor toys stay out full time. I keep the rest of her toys tucked away in her closet. I call our toy display, her play shelf but really it’s just the bottom shelves of the living room bookcases! Also Let me know if you would want to see a toy storage post. You know me I love to talk organization. 😉

a title card for our toddler play shelf from mid March showing our living room shelves with her toddler toys on the bottom shelves
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18 Month Old Routine

Bitty has been on a routine of some kind her whole life. her 18 month routine has just evolved naturally as her needs change. With the exception of us learning her sleep needs as a baby she has been a very good kid as far as going with the flow and I don’t know if that has anything to do with our routines but it makes it nice when I have to change things up a bit!

See how we set up our real life day to day.
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March Tot School

This is our first real month of tot school. Prior to this, I would randomly pull an activity out. I wanted to start slow to make sure that we were both okay with it and not overwhelmed. (to be honest, she’s a pretty chill kid so she would be fine I didn’t want to bite off more than I could chew…lol) So our March Tot School is more or less just a theme for me to work with and maybe a couple of new words for her to hear.

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Introduction to Sensory Bins: What you need to know

You’ve heard about them in parenting groups on Facebook, you’ve looked them up on Pinterest and you just don’t know where to start. No Worries! I am here for you and I will hold your hand through your introduction to sensory bins. You wont regret it I promise!

a collection of tools used in sensory bins, including scoops spoons tongs buckets, bowls, cups and canisters

Sensory bins can be as fancy or simple as you want. In truth all you need is a container, scoops and a filler of some sort.  All the extra things are just that. Extra. The most important part is to have fun and embrace the mess just a little bit.

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Our Toddler Play Spaces Tour

I am all for letting a child have access to as much of the house as possible. We keep cleaning supplies up high or locked away and small choking hazards also out of her reach, but other than that its free for her to explore. It also helps that she has never been a very mouthy baby so I honestly trust her. (most of the time…lol) That said we do have a few special spaces that are all hers. Here is what our toddler play spaces look like at 18 months!

two tall bookshelves with the bottom two shelves for toddler toys for our living room play space

The living/ dining room is our home base for most of the day. This is where her toys that are out on rotation are displayed. We are lucky enough to have a spacious living room with space for multiple toddler play spaces!

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How to get started with Tot School for Young Toddlers

Tot School is not quite preschool – there is no structured lessons or specific thing she has to learn. But it’s also more than just daycare. It’s more about exposure to concepts and everyday tasks, as well as the chance to practice skills that those busy toddler brains are already learning. It also gives a theme for some direction and keeps things interesting for everyone!

Welcome to Tot School : a breakdown of how I plan to use Tot School with my 18 month old

Bitty is 18 months old right now and I find that if I don’t have some kind of plan in place we end up watching too much TV. So what did I do? I made a plan, and not just loose ‘hmmm here’s a couple ideas’ kind of plan. There are tables and categories and themes. Just like you would expect my type A brain to do!

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