This weeks toy rotation came together really easily! I think the trick of always having out the animals, some kind of loose part play and the play silks was the trick! It made it really easy to fill the remaining gaps in her play shelf
The toy closet keeps all her toys together and organized so that come rotation day finding what we want to put out on her play shelf is a snap! We don’t use a complete bin system, I’m sure we will get to that but I currently prefer doing custom rotations and my organization system is set up to suit that!
You’ll have to forgive the poor quality photos…its a closet. The lighting just isn’t up to par. lol
Its time for another play shelfie! This week’s toy rotation has been brewing in the back of my mind for a week now. It seems my brain never stops planning. I am going to be trying something a little new this week so we will see how it goes!
I am soo ready for winter to be over and to spend more time outside and make use of all our new outside toys we got from Easter! I’m hopeful that the time is quickly approaching!
This week’s toy rotation actually had me a little stumped. I try and have a rounded selection of toys. From construction to imagination to fine motor to logic, and so on. She’s really not ready for anything literacy or number based, so we haven’t really gotten into that.
We own more books than anything else I would say. Instilling a love of books and reading is so so important for little brains. I won’t get into the science behind it, I’m not nearly educated enough to do so! lol
To this day I love to read (having the time to do so is another story…) and I hope that Sidney grows up to love reading as much as her daddy and I do.
This was the first time in a long time that I actually
forgot about toy rotation…
We had family in town in and out of the house for most of
last week so Bitty just didn’t spend as much time at home and what time she did
spend here she was thoroughly entertained with her grandparents.
So this morning I had to make a decision. Do I rotate before
she may be ready or do I rotate before things get stale?
Another toy rotation in the books! I rotate every two weeks
normally; though this was technically a three-week rotation because we were
gone for a whole week in the middle for a little “spring break”. This was the
first time that I considered leaving the toys for a little longer. As I was
watching her play over the weekend she was still interacting well with a few of
the items! In the end I did decide to change most of it out but we did have out
first repeat toy this time so we’ll see how that goes!
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If you have never tried toy rotations you really should! It’s amazing how much more they will play with something when they just haven’t seen it for a while! I rotate 6-8 toys, as well as a puzzle. Her babydolls, play kitchen, some blocks and her gross motor toys stay out full time. I keep the rest of her toys tucked away in her closet. I call our toy display, her play shelf but really it’s just the bottom shelves of the living room bookcases! Also Let me know if you would want to see a toy storage post. You know me I love to talk organization. 😉
I am all for letting a child have access to as much of the house as possible. We keep cleaning supplies up high or locked away and small choking hazards also out of her reach, but other than that its free for her to explore. It also helps that she has never been a very mouthy baby so I honestly trust her. (most of the time…lol) That said we do have a few special spaces that are all hers. Here is what our toddler play spaces look like at 18 months!
The living/ dining room is our home base for most of the day. This is where her toys that are out on rotation are displayed. We are lucky enough to have a spacious living room with space for multiple toddler play spaces!