Toddler Stocking Stuffers – all under $15 Dollars

This is my list of toddler stocking stuffers that are affordable, but still awesome! Things that you will actually keep and reuse all year long. There is something about filling a stocking that brings me so much joy, it’s one of my favorite parts of the holiday! That said it is sooooo easy to get out of control with the little stuff…so everything will be under $15 or easy to split between multiple stockings!

a pin image that reads toddler stocking stuffers with an image of a blonde toddler dressed in blue sitting in a wooden rocking chair with a red Christmas stocking in her lap
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Toddler stocking stuffers will look different for everyone

Some people fill the stocking with only consumables, some overflow the stocking and surround it with more presents, and some only have a few small trinkets in the stocking. Everyone’s stocking traditions are a little different and are custom fit for your family and your situation.

When it comes to my toddler stocking stuffers I try and use it as a way to restock necessities, try novelty items, add to collections, and fill in gaps in our home. This is easier to do for the first kid in the house but often times these items need replenished or replaced as the years go on so this system seems to work for me!

a pin image that reads the best stocking stuffers for toddlers with over 100 affordable and awesome ideas for your 1 and 2 year olds with a faded out image of a classic red Christmas stocking in the background

Let’s Talk Tabies and Toddlers

Tabby is not a term that I coined, but it is one that I find very useful in talking about 1-year-olds. They are not babies anymore, rattles and crinkly things just won’t hold their attention. They aren’t toddlers yet, they lack the fine motor and language skills. They have one foot in each door and thus are called tabies.

Toddlers need no introduction, we all know what kind of adorable melt your heart, make you pull your hair out, leave you stunned and speechless, and laugh till you can’t breathe, kind of chaos they are.

My toddler stocking stuffers guide will be curated for kids in the 18mo to not yet 3yo crowd

This is a tough crowd to buy. Solidly out of the baby toy phase but not really playing with most other toys…I encourage you to lean into more consumable and practicals for this age range.

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My Toddler Stocking Stuffers Categories

I have a few categories that I try and fill with each stocking. I don’t do each one every year but it does help to remind me to take stock of what we have and look ahead to see if there is anything that we will need in those categories.

The toddler stocking stuffer categories are as follows…

Art Supplies, Tiny Toys, Fidgets, Sensory Play, Kitchen Tools, Bathroom Supplies, and Practical Needs

a pin image that reads toddler stocking stuffers with over 100 affordable and awesome ideas with an image of a trio of felt embordered and sequined Christmas stockings hanging in front of the fireplace

Toddler Stocking Stuffers – Art and Crafts Supplies

Toddler Stocking Stuffers – Toys and Playtime

Toddler Stocking Stuffers – Fidgets and Quiet Play Toys

Toddler Stocking Stuffers – Sensory Exploration Tools

Toddler Stocking Stuffers – Bathroom Related Needs

Toddler Stocking Stuffers – Kitchen Tools

Toddler Stocking Stuffers – Practical Use Items

a pin image that reads 2024 stocking stuffers perfect for your 1 & 2 year olds with an image of a toddler looking into a red christmas stocking

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