2-year-old Toy Rotation: Time for a New System

Now that Bitty is getting older I want to try a slower 2-year-old toy rotation to see if she engages more deeply in her play time

Now that Bitty is starting to show more interest in her toys and is engaging with them more. I will be slowing down our toy rotations. Our 2-year-old toy rotations will be once a month with a small refresh mid-month if I feel that she is getting bored with certain items. With that said we will probably also have more items out during a given rotation to offer more options.

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Best Mom Hack Around : Free Play Toy Rotations

We are all looking for mom hacks to make life just a little bit easier and let me tell you the very best one in my books is free play toy rotations! It takes the tiniest bit of work upfront to move the toys around. Then just watch the magic as old toys become new! Also by having less out to play with you may just find that not only are they playing with their toys longer, but the mess is so much less than when they had access to everything!

Free Play toy Rotations are my mama's secret weapon to keeping the mess under control and boredom to a minimum.
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