25+ Big Sister Books to Welcome a New Baby to the Family!

Books are quite possibly my favorite resource for teaching kids about the world around them and welcoming a new baby to the family is no different! We have found a bunch of big sister books that cover everything from pregnancy to what it’s going to be like to have a tiny baby in the house to what becoming a big sister will actually look like.

a pin image that reads +25 big sibling books to prepare for a new baby in a blue circle overlaying a white crig that has picture books scattered all over the mattress
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30+ Planet Earth Books for Homeschool Preschool Unit Study

We loved learning from our Planet Earth Books during our unit study and there were so many different topics to dive into, covering topics like; Weather, the water cycle, and the rock cycle. the layers of the earth, geographic features, the natural wonders to biomes, and different habitats! The Earth is such a massive topic that we could have studied it for weeks longer than we did!

a pin image that reads children's books about planet Earth with an image of a tall stack of books below
Continue reading “30+ Planet Earth Books for Homeschool Preschool Unit Study”