Toddler Summer Must Haves for 1000 Hours Outdoors!

a pin image that reads must have outdoor toys, lots of fun for 1000 hours outdoors 50+ with an image of a little girl throwing a ball in the air

This summer I want to spend as much time as possible outside and I scoured the internet for some summer must haves to make sure we weren’t missing any opportunities for fun!

All the Toddler Summer Must Haves that you could need for an AMAZING summer

My toddler summer must haves are geared towards the toddler/preschool crowd as I feel these are the kids that need a little more inspiration to play! Older kids would definitely get a lot of use out of a lot of the items that I found too but keep that in mind!

I am in no way suggesting you NEED all of the items that list below I am merely listing some of our personal favorites or things that I am considering picking up to add to our summer fun! Hopefully, this sparks some ideas for your family!

a pin image that reads 50 + awesome outdoor must haves for preschoolers and toddlers that shows a list of lots of different toys and supplies split into categories

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A lot of outdoor must haves for kids are massive! I am well aware. You will want to pick and choose what you have space for in your yard and what your kids get the most use out of but all of these toddler summer must haves are bound to keep a kid busy!


A lot of these items sorta feel like the OG toddler summer must haves and there is a reason for that! Endless hours of fun!

  • Buckets this nesting set of buckets gives you lots of sizes to work with!
  • ShovelsI always go with metal tools, they hold up so much better
  • Sandbox I love the built-in bench lid and the canopy to help keep everyone cool
  • Construction trucks
  • Sensory Table – if you want to elevate your sand play and open up the idea of other sensory filler this table would be great!
  • Science Exploration Kit


Don’t be afraid to bring your arts and craft supplies outside! Getting creative outside lends itself to bigger bolder messier art and that can be so much fun!


If your kids are like mine then the way to their heart is to add water. They don’t care how or even really how much just access to water and they are happy!

  • Spray bottlesyour preschooler will LOVE spraying every surface known to man
  • Splash PoolI love this style as you don’t have to blow it up but it can fold up and be put away easily
  • Sprinkle pad
  • Mud kitchenwe love a good mud kitchen and free access to water seriously, allow them to get wet and messy!
  • Watering canthis follows the same concept as the spray bottles.
  • Pitcher
  • Water squirtersI prefer these to “water pistols” they are easier to use and generally work better anyway

honorable mentions to water balloons, super fun and kids love them but my crew is too little


My Beanie baby will be 15-19 months this season and is a super confidant walker, that said her needs in gross motor are vastly different than a preschooler so her tiny toddler summer must haves for gross motor focus more on riding on than running.


Bitty will be turning 4 at the end of the summer and her big deal this summer is learning to ride a big girl bike. Your older toddler summer must-haves for gross motor will likely be based around burning some of that energy and allowing them some freedom!


While I am all for kids running naked through the sprinkler in the backyard, there are times and activities that call for a little more protection or coverage

  • SwimsuitI personally prefer rashguard style as it’s built-in sunscreen!
  • Hat
  • Water shoes
  • Sunscreen
  • Bugcreamthis stuff isn’t bug spray, but for whatever sciency reason mosquitos leave us alone when we wear this stuff.
  • Bandaids
  • Puddle jumpera must for pool and ocean fun and mama peace of mind!
  • Swim diaperif your going to take your diaper-clad kid to a public pool these are generally required and they will save you money in the long run if your able to tolerate a little extra laundry


While we plan on spending most of our time at home occasionally we will be heading out and there are a few toddler summer must haves that we will be taking with us!

Toddler Summer Must Haves for 1000 Hours Outside!

I have grand dreams of hitting the 1000 hours outside challange with my girls this year and I will be honest so far we arent doing great…I’m hoping for long days outdoors as much as possible this summer with early mornings in the garden water play all day and campfires at night. These Summer must haves I hope will help keep everyone happy and active while we are outdoors!

What are your Summer must haves? Anything that I am forgetting that your kids LOVE!? Share it down below!

a pin image that reads over 50 ideas for preschoolers and toddlers summer must haves if you want to spend 1000 hours outside

If you want to keep up with our 1000 hours outside and keep me accountable with the tracking…follow me on Instagram where I am sure I will be sharing!

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