Toddler Play Shelf – March 11th

If you have never tried toy rotations you really should! It’s amazing how much more they will play with something when they just haven’t seen it for a while! I rotate 6-8 toys, as well as a puzzle. Her babydolls, play kitchen, some blocks and her gross motor toys stay out full time. I keep the rest of her toys tucked away in her closet. I call our toy display, her play shelf but really it’s just the bottom shelves of the living room bookcases! Also Let me know if you would want to see a toy storage post. You know me I love to talk organization. 😉

a title card for our toddler play shelf from mid March showing our living room shelves with her toddler toys on the bottom shelves

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An overview of her play shelf with her Little peoples castle and other baskets of toys

She picked out her Little People Lil’ Kingdom castle. I don’t often let her really have much of a say right now but I had every intention of getting it out anyway so it was perfect!

a classic little people castle

We have the classic King and queen that came with the castle. We picked it up second hand and I am thrilled with it. I was on the hunt for a castle that wasn’t pink and covered in glitter!

We also have the Rapunzel and Friends set. These I picked up for three reasons. 1. It has a horse and lady loves horses right now. 2. I wanted some more people for the castle and a princess was a natural fit. 3. Tangled is possibly one of Zak’s favorite Disney movie. He loves Maximus and Pascal. 😀

Her little people figures with King, Queen, Rapunzel, Flynn Ryder and Maximus the horse
a title card for our toy rotation for mid March showing stacking cups, nuts and bolts, a treasure basket with seashells, and foam letters with a purple purse

Her nuts and bolts are still a little challenging for her to use properly, but she hasn’t seen them in a while so I thought we would get them out and try. So far she puts the bolts on her fingers and waggles them around…lol

her brightly colored plastic jumbo nuts and bolts

She isn’t very interested in stacking no matter how we present it. But she LOVES to knock everything down. So her stacking cups are more for transporting than stacking, but hey they are getting played with and that’s the goal right?!

Brightly colored stacking cups nested in a basket

This purse is a hand-me-down of mine that she just adores. She hangs it over her head and carries it all around the house. We keep the foam letters in it and she loves to pull them out and stuff them back in! I am going to round up a couple other zippered pouches to add to this so she can continue to work on zipper skills too.

her purple purse and foam letters in a wooden tray

This is her treasure basket. Her Lala gave it to her, along with the seashells and rocks. We have also been adding more rocks as we find cool ones. You will also notice the 3D printed pokemon, that’s just a fun thing her dad does and I don’t have anywhere else to keep them. :p

The Big Baskets

Her block basket has her wooden blocks right now, she hasn’t been getting these out very often so I think this might be the last rotation for a while.

Her role play basket has babies and blankets as that’s about as far as her imaginative role play goes right now. We will start rotating this and adding other role play objects once she get a little more imaginative.

Her big baskets on the bottom of the play shelf, full of wooden blocks and baby dolls
Activity Table
a caterpillar puzzle on a toddler play table.

On her play table, we have her puzzle. We will also do some learning activates here as well. The Melissa and Doug caterpillar is new for us this week and she took to it right away! We aren’t at the color matching stage yet but she enjoys putting the gears on the posts and turning them so were half way there!

You can see I present it to her with the pieces pulled off. This encourages her to work on it instead of seeing it complete and just leaving it be.

Play kitchen

We moved her kitchen set up behind the couch as we scored at a thrift store and found this perfect little fridge! It does need some work but I love it. There is SO much more storage available now! I’m not 100% sold on this location, but it works for now, while I mull it over.

a toddler shopping cart and ikea play kitchen with thrifted play fridge

TOY ROTATIONS: Daily, weekly, monthly?!

We rotate every two weeks. I have heard really good things about daily rotations but that just isn’t in the cards for us right now, but I could see in the future as her toy collection grows we may try this out.

What are your play shelf rotations looking like at this age? Are there any toys that are your must-haves right now that never leave rotation?

a title card for out toddler play shelf from Mid march
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4 Replies to “Toddler Play Shelf – March 11th”

  1. This is a great idea! I’ve heard people mention it but you did a nice job of walking through how you do it. Kids really do get overwhelmed with too many choices.

    1. Thanks I have fun thinking of new combinations or new ways to present something old. It keeps me interested as much as her!

  2. I keep some of the toddler grand kid favorite books on the bottom shelf and also keep blocks and toy trains close at hand. Looks like you’re all set to have fun learning. Great!

    1. She has a whole bookshelf in her room that she has free access to as well as the library books from that week! We MAY have a bit of a book problem in our house…lol

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