Toddler Stocking Stuffers – all under $15 Dollars

This is my list of toddler stocking stuffers that are affordable, but still awesome! Things that you will actually keep and reuse all year long. There is something about filling a stocking that brings me so much joy, it’s one of my favorite parts of the holiday! That said it is sooooo easy to get out of control with the little stuff…so everything will be under $15 or easy to split between multiple stockings!

a pin image that reads toddler stocking stuffers with an image of a blonde toddler dressed in blue sitting in a wooden rocking chair with a red Christmas stocking in her lap
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More than 30 Super Easy Toddler Activities to do While you Shelter at Home

People all over the world are finding themselves at home with their kids and whether you were already a stay at home mom or find yourself trying to work from home now; we all have the same problem. These toddlers need things to do! I rounded up my favorite super easy toddler activities that use things you already have in your home!

Easy low prep toddler activities are the way to go when you have lots going on at home, but they need to do something!
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A Realistic 2-year-old Routine

Our 2-year-old routine hasn’t changed too much from Bitty’s 18-month routine but there have been a couple of changes so I thought I would make an update! I am a firm believer in toddler routines. They thrive on predictability and honestly, it keeps me motivated as well. So in case you are looking to update your toddler routine now that your little is getting older then read on!

Our 2- year-old routine is simple and strait forward. We don't schedule too much in the day to leave lots of time for free play!
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Must-have Toys for 1 to 2-year-old Toddlers

Everyone and their grandma will have a say in the toys that you MUST HAVE to keep your toddler happy. I wanted to provide my personal list of 1-year-old must-have toys as a guide to the toys that have been played with day in and day out and she kept coming back for more. Obviously we have more than these toys but these were definitely her favorites. I feel like they would easily be winners in any toddlers toy box!

Our most loved and most played with 1-year-old must-have toys, use a lot of gross motor and practical life skills!
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Toddler Play Space: Toy Rotations at 23 months

After being away for vacation I knew that I wanted to freshen up our play space, but to be honest I was exhausted. There is never more truth than needing a vacation after vacation than when you travel with toddlers!

Our Toddler free play space get regular toy rotations every two weeks

I knew we needed some tried and true easy favorites out on the shelf this week and I didn’t want to spend a lot of time thinking about it either.

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