Pony and Oatmeal Sensory Bin Small World Play

Our Pony and Oatmeal Sensory Bin is such a big hit around here that this is actually the third time we’ve done this set up and Bitty loves it every time! I knew I wanted some kind of farm-themed sensory bin this week as we are currently learning about farms in preschool

A Ponies and Oatmeal sensory bin is a super simple small world invitation to play that most any kid is bound to have a lot of fun with.

Create a Ponies and Oatmeal Sensory Bin Small World for Fun Imaginative Play!

Some old Oatmeal, a few ponies, and the inclusion of a few loose parts to create some food and water and you’ve got a recipe for some great small world play!

With some loose parts, some sensory bin tools and some pony figures this oatmeal sensory bin checks all the boxes for lots of fun!

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Ponies and Oatmeal Sensory Bin Supplies

Its important not to overwhelm your sensory bin with too many props when you make a small world set up.

Oatmeal Sensory Bin Filler

An Oatmeal sensory bin is a great way to clear out the pantry of that oatmeal that you bought ages ago for that one specific recipe and now it’s just taking up space. That’s what I intended to do…then I went to my sensory bin dresser and low and behold I held on to the Oats from our last Oatmeal sensory bin! 

So I didn’t clear any space in my pantry but I also didn’t waste any food either. Guess I’ll just have to make cookies or something! lol

A Ponies and Oatmeal Sensory bin is sure to be a hit with any kid that loves the farm or the frontier. This is a super easy invitation to play any horse lover will have a blast with!

How to Set up a Small word Ponies and Oatmeal Sensory Bin

I like to make sure that any sensory bin I create has a base, obviously, some tools for scooping/pouring and grabbing. Some loose parts for creativity and some figures or animals to spark play!
A top down view of what our Ponies and Oatmeal sensory bin small world looked like.
With one side of the Ponies and Oatmeal sensory bin being the corral with the apples and water loose parts, the other side is left open to interpretation and exploration!

To keep our Pony and Oatmeal sensory bin from getting overwhelmed, as that can happen when you set up a small world sensory bin. I limited the number of ponies to three. So then it only made sense to have three cups so each pony could have their own.  

Our tools are a bit random this time. Obviously we needed a scoop for the oats. That was a given and then we needed some tongs because I am really trying to encourage her to build some muscles in her had and work her fine motor. Then I added a little spoon so she could stir in the cups. The odd one out is the ravioli press. Im honestly not sure why I added it other than she likes it and it’s a super-easy way to make a circle. 

A good sensory bin always starts with the filler. I used oatmeal for its unique softer texture. Not to mention its taste safe as well!

The intention was for Bitty to use the Oatmeal as the food for the horses so of course we also needed water. Once I added the water It felt unbalanced, we needed another loose part, another pop of color or texture to play with. I opted for some felt balls that she could pretend were apples! Perfect. It fir the theme just fine and it covered all the other bases I was I looking for. 

After you’ve gathered your supplies you need to set the scene. I used the fence to create a corral of sorts and put the ponies, food, and water inside the fence. The wood slices are honestly there mostly to offer a nice flat surface and I set the cups on there and left as much opens space as I could so Bitty had room to scoop.

By splitting our Ponies and Oatmeal sensory bin into two sides it allows for some small world play on one side and exploration of the sensory materials on the other.
Allowing your child to explore however they see fit is what a good sensory bin is all about! Some kids stay super neat and clean others dive in fingers first and experience it all.

Pony and Oatmeal Sensory Bins are Great for any Horse Obsessed Kid!

We’ve had a few sensory bins lately that Bitty has enjoyed but there was something about this one that just hit home for her. Her horse obsession may be waning, but I think she may always have a bit of a soft spot for them.

A Ponies & Oatmeal sensory bin is a great way to spark some small world play and some sensory exploration as well!

Share your Ponies and Oatmeal Sensory Bins with Me!

Oatmeal feels like one of those things that everyone has on hand but rarely uses. I hope that my Pony and Oatmeal sensory bin has inspired you to go dig out that tub and make good use of some old oatmeal! 

Tag me on Instagram and share your Oatmeal sensory bins. Even if they don’t have Ponies in them! 

Rainbow rice is a classic sensory bin filler and we went super classic and colorful with rainbow cupcakes!
A day in the life of a stay at home mom to a 3-year-old preschooler and a 7-month-old infant.
A birdseed sensory bin feels like a no brainer in the spring. Fun to play with and easy to reuse the filler after!