Super Simple DIY Semicircles and Planks for Extra Rainbow Fun

If you need to know one thing about me it’s this, I LOVE a good DIY project. Especially one that really isn’t too complicated and you can knock out in a day. My DIY semicircles and planks were just that kind of project. Simple and straightforward! Check out how I made them below. As well as some ideas for ways to use them!

Creating your own DIY semicircles and planks is super simple and could be knocked out in just a couple of afternoons!
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Rock Newborn Playtime with 15 Fun & Simple Ways to Play

I know it seems crazy to consider playing with your newborn. All they do sleep, eat, poop, and repeat right? As they get just a little bit their wake windows widen and there is finally time for newborn playtime!

Newborn playtime is super simple. You don't need much to stimulate your baby's senses and help develop their brain and have plenty of fun along the way!

Newborn playtime is really rather simple, it’s mostly about introducing your baby to new sensory experiences. New sights, textures, sounds, and movements.

If your looking more for newborn care must haves I have a blog post all about what our essential supplies were!

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Rainbow Rice Cupcakes – Back to Basics Sensory Bin

We were in need of a fresh sensory bin filler but I didn’t want to have to run to the store for anything. So that left us with some kinetic sand, some birdseed, and some old white rice. All recently used or just not very inspiring. Then it hit me. Take that uninspired white rice and go for a classic sensory bin filler that we just hadn’t gotten around to. Rainbow Rice!

A ridiculously simple sensory bin set up! Using things you already have in your kitchen to create beautiful Rainbow Rice cupcakes!
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