1 year old Gift Guide : Updated Holiday 2022

My 1 year old gift guide is geared toward brand-new 1 year olds. 1 year olds feel like they are all over the place. Your little baby is starting to role play, perfecting fine motor skills, and learning to talk and make sense of the world around them! I did my best to give ideas for all the different interests of these little ones!

With over 80 ideas on my 1 year old gift guide, you will find lots of fun and learning presents that your little will love long after the holiday season is over! Gift Ideas your young toddler will love to play and learn with including open-ended toys, dramatic play, building toys and so many books and puzzles! 
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My 1-year-old gift guide was actually fairly easy to compile!

Shopping for kid number two is a little different than your first. Most of the things you NEED you probably still have, not to mention lots of stuff you probably don’t NEED…

For the 1 year old gift guide, I took the opportunity to alter our baby/ young toddler toy selection. When Bitty was this age I was JUST starting to figure out how to implement more Montessori in our home. I have since learned a lot more and I am hoping to use that knowledge to select toys and items that are simpler and offer just the right kind of challenges!

I created my 1 year old gift guide to cover all the basics I could think of for a young toddler who spends the majority of their time at home. I am in no way suggesting you NEED all of the items I list below I am nearly listing our personal favorites that have stood the test of time or our wish list items. Hopefully, this sparks some ideas for your own 1 year old’s wish list!

Looking for a different Age?
With over 80 ideas on my 3 year old gift guide, you will find lots of fun and learning presents that your little will love long after the holiday season is over! Gift Ideas for your little preschooler will love to play and learn with including open ended toys, dramatic play, building toys and so many books and puzzles! 
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Holiday shopping can get tricky for parents when you are often, not only shopping for what you are going to gift your kids but often having to find ideas for friends and family to gift as well. My 2 year old gift guide is sure to give you at least a couple of good ideas to pass on to grandma and keep everybody happy!
#christmasgifts #giftguide #giftideas #toddler #2yearold #christmas #shopping


From the beginnings of role-play to fine motor to building and gross motor. With more than 50 ideas in total, my 1 year old gift guide has plenty of ideas to inspire lots of play-based learning for the young toddler in your home! 
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  • Pacifierswhatever flavor your 1 year old prefers. Glow in the dark was a game-changer for us!
  • TeethersOR just get a pack of silicone straws. Trust me you’ll thank me when those molars start to come in!
  • Play silks
  • Animal figuresgo with the larger ones right now and a few from a specific biome. Think Farm or Safari or Ocean
  • ToothbrushThere is a good chance that your 1 year old has teeth and will be getting more and the time to start brushing was like yesterday so start now and build a good habit.
  • Grippy bootiesyou may be walking already or will be soon so grippy are key and I love how well these stay on their feet!
From the beginnings of role-play to building to gross motor with more than 30 ideas in total, my 1 year old gift guide has plenty of ideas to inspire lots of play-based learning for the young toddler in your home! 
From the beginnings of role-play to building to gross motor with more than 50 ideas in total, my 1 year old gift guide has plenty of ideas to inspire lots of play-based learning for the young toddler in your home! 
#christmasgifts #giftguide #giftideas #baby #youngtoddler #1yearold #christmas #shopping
While your young toddler is just starting to play with toys it may feel like you are already drawing in them...enter my 1 year old gift guide with over 20 ideas for non toy gifts that your little one is bound to get lots of use out of!
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The ultimate 1 year old gift guide with tons of options for fine motor and sensorial learning for your young toddler. We cant for get how important gross motor and practical life are at this age too, so I included a wide variety of gifts your little one will use for a long time to come!
#christmasgifts #giftguide #giftideas #baby #youngtoddler #1yearold #christmas #shopping
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