Baby Prepping and Nesting for Baby Bean

Call it nesting or baby prepping I have spent the last few weeks getting ready for our sweet Bean to join the house.

Anyone that knows me knows I like to have a plan and be prepared. So it will come as no shock that I had a few things I wanted to get done before we brought baby Bean home. You can call it baby prepping or nesting all I know is I trolled the internet seeing what others did so here is what I packed and stocked up on!

Meal Prepping and Freezer Stock up

When I was pregnant with Bitty, we made up a pile of freezer meals to eat off for those first couple months. I knew I wanted to do this again so I set out to find some new meals to try as well as a couple of tried and true favorites. One thing we did differently this time though has been to stock up on just generally easy freezer meals. You know popcorn shrimp, chicken strips, meatballs…things that require basically no thought or prep at all but can still make a meal.

Our Freezer is stocked with Crockpot meals, easy to cook dinners, and some basics we are sure to use. Like cheese. We go through a lot of cheese

We were lucky enough to be able to purchase our first freezer this year and we have promptly filled it up with extra food so that I only have to go the store for milk and produce once the baby gets here. I’ll tell you what I am not looking forward to grocery shopping with two littles. I’m sure I’ll adjust but in the meantime at least I know the trips should be short!

Some of the Meals I made

  • Sheet pan Sausage and Peppers
  • Pizza Pasta Casserole
  • Turkey and Black Bean Chili
  • Chicken Noodle Soup
  • Cheesy Chicken Tater Tot Casserole
  • Hawaiian Chicken
  • Creamy Italian Chicken

We also made a trip to Costco and stocked up on quick and easy snacks for us all, because what works better at keeping a toddler, sleep-deprived dad, and nursing mama happy than constant snacks…lol

Nonperishable stock up

I went through all our paper goods and cleaning supplies and picked up refills and backup packages because let’s be honest you don’t want to have to load up a newborn and a toddler just because you ran out of toilet paper.

As part of our baby prepping we have been building a stash of nonperishables for a while now. Most importantly diapers and wipes.

Things to consider stocking up on when baby prepping

  • Diapers
  • Wipes
  • Paper Towels
  • Toilet Paper
  • Paper Plates
  • Clorox Wipes
  • Hand Sanitizer
  • Dish Soap
  • Dishwasher Soap
  • Laundry Soap
  • Toothpaste
  • Deodorant
  • Shower Products
  • Pain Killers
  • Basic Medicines

Mommy Stations ready to go

I have a bin in the bathroom ready with my postpartum essentials within easy reach and a drawer in both my room and the girl’s room ready with breastfeeding supplies.

Hospital bag Packed

My hospital bag is packed and ready to go for baby number two.

Hopefully, if we have smooth sailing we should be in and out of the hospital in just a day or two. With that said my hospital bag is very simple, but it is also February in Colorado so we need some extra layers!

Hospital bag checklist

My hospital bag consists of basic toiletries, comfy nursing tanks, some creature comforts and of course my camera.
  • Chapstick
  • Hair ties
  • Water bottle
  • Deodorant
  • Contact Lens Supplies
  • Toothbrush and toothpaste
  • Makeup wipes
  • Robe
  • Nursing bra
  • Nursing tank
  • Sweatpants
  • Gripper socks
  • Going Home Outfit
  • Bluetooth speaker
  • Phone charger
  • Notebook – I like to have notes of how labor progressed to look back on. You could take this on your phone’s note feature as well. I just find paper easier.
  • Camera
  • Candy – a couple of my favorite candy bars – this is my push present to myself 😉
  • Letterboard – because I am that kind of millennial.

For Dad

  • Snacks
  • Pillows x2
  • Sweats
  • Gripper socks
  • Underwear
  • Deodorant
  • Going home clothes

For Baby

  • Swaddle me – Daddy hates traditional blanket swaddles so we are bringing one of these to use at night at least.
  • Traditional swaddle blanket – this is honestly for pictures
  • Coming home outfit – in newborn and in 0-3
  • Hat
  • Booties
  • Carseat

Plans for Big Sister

We have some family in town this winter so they are on call for when we go into the hospital. My grandparents will be keeping Bitty here at home so that she has plenty to do and less for me to worry about. Then whenever we check into the hospital my mom plans on making the drive down. It will take her a few hours, but as long as the weather cooperates she will come to relive my grandparents as soon as she can.

We have a Big Sister present all prepped and ready for Bitty as well as a toddler hospital bag packed. She won’t be spending too much time at the hospital (hopefully none of us will) but I wanted to have some easy entertainment and snacks on hand for her when she does come.

part of baby prepping has been deciding what to do about our toddler! We have packed her her own hospital bag to keep her happy and entertained when she comes to visit us!

Toddler Hospital Bag

  • Coloring book
  • Colored pencils
  • Slime
  • Snacks
  • Water bottle
  • Diapers

Big Sister Present

  • Doctors Kit
  • Babies Everywhere

Nighttime sleeping situation

This is the only baby prepping thing I have left to do really. The one thing I have yet to set up the pack and play because honestly it takes up a fair amount of space and getting into and out of bed is hard enough as it is right now without having to deal with the pack and play in the way! I will probably cave on this soon though so that I can finish getting our room organized. I feel like there are piles of baby stuff everywhere in there and it would be nice to just get it cleaned up a bit.

Most valuable baby prepping?

I feel like having all the food just on hand is going to help us out SO much. Cooking is near the bottom of my list right now and that’s without an adorable newborn to snuggle. What was your most valuable baby prepping that you did? Let me know down below.

If you’re in the baby prepping stage right now I hope I gave you some ideas and if you are still early on in your pregnancy I have a free printable checklist broken down by month that might help you out!

Most of the things that I have done for baby prepping can be found on my pregnancy checklist for baby number 2!

If you want to stay up to date on when baby Bean arrives, make sure and follow on Instagram. I’m sure that will be the first place I share!

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