2nd Birthday Gift Ideas your Toddler will Love

More than 45 2nd birthday gift ideas for two year olds!

Naturally, as this is only her 2nd birthday her list isn’t really curated by her, but for her. It’s hard to just ask a nearly 2-year-old what they want! That said I know what she likes and what she plays with so the 2nd birthday gift ideas that I came up with I really think she will enjoy and so will the 2-year-old in your life!

These 2nd birthday gift ideas are just that; IDEAS

I want to stress that in no way do I expect or want Bitty to receive all of the things on this 2nd birthday gift ideas list. This is just a well-rounded list that covers all the bases of ideas for the type of things that I think she and most any other toddler would enjoy playing with!

Some of these items are on her birthday list and other are things that she already owns BUT if your 2-year-old doesn’t have I would recommend for sure! I will make sure and note these items

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Gift Ideas for your 2-year-old

At two; role-play, matching and patterning are just starting to develop and I am excited to play some of these with her!

Gross Motor : Get those muscles moving and growing

If you’re little is anything like mine. The perfect 2nd birthday gift ideas would be all about gross motor movement. She has always been very focused on maximum effort and getting her body going.

  • Balance Beam – we are actually making this for her. Its nothing special but I think it will be a fun addition to the back yard.
  • Gong Riverstones – These are something I would love to add to our collection as her motor skills keep improving
  • Mini Trampoline – We are currently really enjoying jumping and I think that this would be a fun way to burn some energy!
  • Balance Bike – We stumbled upon a used Strider bike a few months back and I had no intentions of passing it up so she got that birthday present early
  • Wobble Board – This was another used treasure we found and there was no way I was leaving it behind. Without a doubt, this is one of our favorite toys

Animals : What toddler doesn’t love them?

We are slowing collection a zoo of our own for small world play. We have started collecting a number of different brands but our favorites are Schleich, Papo, Safari Ltd and CollectA

Building : blocks are great for 2nd birthday gift ideas

What 2nd birthday gift ideas list would be complete without some blocks? Some toddlers are super into building but we are just starting to stack over here. Blocks are a never-fail idea!

Art Supplies : such a great outlet for toddlers

Toddlers are really working on pencil grasp and fine motor skills every time they color. Playdough, stickers, and painting are all great sensory activities too. So as far as I am concerned bring on the art supplies!

  • Kwik Stix – I have never tried these but I have read tons of great reviews and I am interested in them!
  • Clay Rolling pins – she loves watching me roll out her play dough and I thought these textured rollers would be fun
  • Clay Stamp set – playdough play and this age is often about mark-making and textures. These seemed like a great addition
  • Magna Doodle – a great travel toy
  • Aqua Doodle – similar to the ever-popular water wows but more open-ended!

Puzzles : time to challenge those growing 2 year old brains

Puzzles are so good for little brains and we needed an update to match her growing skill. Now if only there was a better way to store all these puzzles!

  • Hape Wooden Peg Puzzle – this is a real challenge and I love that you can break it down to one part and work with just that and add more over time
  • Hape Emergency vehicles – similar to most peg puzzles but the picture under isn’t an exact matchmaking it a little tougher
  • Head to Tail Puzzle – a great way to introduce jigsaw style puzzles
  • Petit Collage beginner puzzle – slightly more complicated jigsaw style puzzle with adorable art
  • HABA perfect pairs – great for sorting colors and matching shapes

Books : with more complicated pictures and stories

Never fail 2nd birthday gift ideas are books! When asked what Bitty wants I always answer books. They are at the prime age to love books and reading and its so important to encourage that!

Other 2nd birthday gift ideas

Naturally is category will be very specific to your 2-year-olds need but here are a few things that she has either received and LOVED or would really be happy with.

  • Backpack – we ended up picking this up for our flights for our big family vacation and she loves this thing asks to bring it with us everywhere.
  • Rain boots – This was a mom request and has gone over great. She didn’t have any waterproof boots at all and these are quickly becoming her favorite shoes
  • Cowboy Boots – Every little kid needs a pair of cowboy boots its just fact.
  • Electric Toothbrush – tooth brushing has become a bit of a challenge, so hoping that an electric toothbrush might make it go a little smoother/be more effective for the split second she lets us brush for…lol
  • Camelbak water bottles – these have been our go-to water bottles for a while but if you’re still rocking the baby sippy cup it’s probably time to upgrade to something a bit bigger!

What was a favorite gift of yours?

the ultimate list of more than 45 2nd birthday gift ideas your two year old will love!

I hope these 2nd birthday gifts help you find something new and exciting for the 2-year-old in your life. I know that I am excited to watch the new play that they spark! Do you have any ideas that I missed? Or if you’re little already celebrated their 2nd birthday what was their favorite gift?

If you want to see some other ideas make sure and check out my Pinterest I feel like I am always adding toys to that list, just so I don’t forget to check into them!

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