30+ Planet Earth Books for Homeschool Preschool Unit Study

We loved learning from our Planet Earth Books during our unit study and there were so many different topics to dive into, covering topics like; Weather, the water cycle, and the rock cycle. the layers of the earth, geographic features, the natural wonders to biomes, and different habitats! The Earth is such a massive topic that we could have studied it for weeks longer than we did!

a pin image that reads children's books about planet Earth with an image of a tall stack of books below

Homeschool Preschool Planet Earth Unit Study

I shared all about our homeschool preschool Planet Earth unit in another post!  Be sure to check it out if you want some perfect activity suggestions about geography and the natural world around us!

a pin image that reads Montessori inspired planet earth unit study with an image of our work shelves full of planet earth themed activites

One thing I like about our lesson plans is that anyone could adapt them easily for use because we rely on books to be our main teaching tool! Make sure to check it out after you reserve some of the books below!

Planet Earth Books proved a little tricky to find…

There are PLENTY of books that talk about planet earth…if you’re talking about Earth day and protecting the earth. That wasn’t what I was after this time around and I found it difficult to find fiction/picture books that just focused on the natural world. So if you have any recommendations leave them down below!!!


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General Books about our Planet Earth for Preschoolers

Some of the planet earth books listed below are above a preschool level but I found them very helpful and you can always pick and choose how much to read and what to leave out or how to summarize.

Usborne Books About the Planet Earth

I wanted to give a special shout-out to Usborne Books and More, they carry some truly stunning and informational books that we love using for homeschool. They are my favorite for presenting lots of information in a way that is easy for littles to understand and all the flaps don’t hurt either!

Also, I am an Usborne consultant and If you choose to purchase anything through one of my links below know that I will make a small commission at NO cost to you and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for choosing to help support my family!

Biomes and Ecosystem Books

This was my favorite topic to talk about but I STRUGGLED to find many planet earth books that covered more than one biome. If you’re okay with lots of separate books then The About Habitats line is a great option!

Water Cycle and Weather Books

I actually wasn’t planning on covering the water cycle much with our planet Earth unit study this time around, but after looking into lesson ideas more it was just too connected and water is kinda a big deal on Planet Earth. ;p

a pin image that reads books for little geographers with a stack of books behind the text

If you want more details on our homeschool preschool planet earth, you can check it out here. I go into more detail about the kind of work, the crafts, and everything that we did during this unit study!