We LOVE books.
We own more books than anything else I would say. Instilling a love of books and reading is so so important for little brains. I won’t get into the science behind it, I’m not nearly educated enough to do so! lol
To this day I love to read (having the time to do so is another story…) and I hope that Sidney grows up to love reading as much as her daddy and I do.

I try and add new books as much as I can. Every holiday for sure. It keeps her interested and it keeps us from getting bored reading the same book to her all the time. (don’t let me fool you, we have read some of these more times than I can count…)
We also get books from the Library most weeks as well so books are always around and they are one of her favorite things to play with!
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Her personal Library
I keep about half of her books out at a time the other half are tucked away in her closet and I will rotate a few of those every few weeks. Mostly when I feel like we have read everything on her self too many times!

Most of the books that we own for Sidney are board books because well, toddler. I like keeping her books down where she can pull one out at any time and I don’t want to have to police her with her books. That being said she is really quite good about treating her books nicely.
The other day I was putting away some of her books and it struck me that I always end up putting away the same few books…She no question has favorites. I definitely mix in others but there are always some of her staples out. Curious what those staples are? I thought you might be!
interactive, informative & adorable

I pulled all our our absolute favorite books out to share with you and you can see that Sidney couldn’t keep her hands off. Further testament to how much we love these!

Individual Favorites

- I’m Going to Give you a Bear Hug is a really fun book with cute rhymes and lots of different animals! This is actually her favorite to read after she has gotten in trouble. I have no idea why. Lol
- Llama Llama Red Pajama is probably my personal favorite. It’s just a joy to read and I was so excited when she got old enough to be able to actually sit through it!
- Hoppity Frog is an interactive book with big slide out panels. It actually surprises me how often she picks this one out.
- Moo Baa Lalala was probably Sidney’s first favorite. I can remember her picking this one out from quite a young age. I’ll be honest the Sandra Boyton books are not my favorite. They’re not bad, they just don’t do much for me. So we only have a couple of hers but this one is a good one short simple and sweet.

- Not Quite Black and White is a really cute book about being unique and special and it teaches colors! What’s not to love?
- There’s a Wocket in my Pocket is one of our only Doctor Suess books we own right now. I want to get the original as the board book cuts out some of the story. Sidney doesn’t care and you can see this book is well loved.

Part of a Series
The Bear Snores On was one of the first books we bought while I was pregnant. No special reason, I had never heard of it it just looked cute, and seemed like it would be ok to read over and over. 😉 We fell in love with this book and has become a personal favorite of Zak’s. It was only natural that we added more from the series too! Bears New Friend we bought alone and the others we got in a Days with Bear box set.

First Stories Classic stories push pull and slide books are absolutely her favorite books. The Jungle Book specifically. I picked these up early on because I wanted some simple versions of the classics and as a bonus these are interactive. and can hold up to some wear and tear! We have Cinderella, Snow White, Peter Pan, Beauty and the Beast, Rapunzel and the Jungle Book. We are only missing the Little Mermaid right now! (it’s on my list. ;))

Nature Friends lift-a-flap books have been a staple for us for her whole life. The Little Blue Boat was one of the first books we purchased to start Sidney’s library. Little Red Barn was quickly added next and then Little Yellow Bee and Little Green Frog a little later.

New but promising
Touch the Brightest Star and Tap the Magic Tree are new to us and I can tell they are going to be favorites. Even if they are just MY favorites. They have little instructions on each page that make the picture “change” as you turn the pages. Also, the art is beautiful and I’m a sucker for pretty art in books.

Life Long Love of Reading

I don’t see our library getting any smaller as she ages. Some of these will be put away as she outgrows them but I guarantee they will be replaced and then some! What are your kid’s favorite books right now? Any that we need to add to our stash?! I’m always looking 😉
She is set to inherit some REAL classics from the attic! LOVE story time at bedtime!
As long as they aren’t from Beatrice Potter! Those are so hard to read!!!