2021/2022 Homeschool Preschool Unit Studies and Tot School Topics for Curious Kids!

It’s hard to believe that we are nearly at the beginning of another school year already! Our 2021/2022 homeschool preschool unit studies will cover everything that Bitty is most curious about! 

a pin image that reads 20212022 homeschool preschool unit studies  with an image of school supplies in different colored bins in the background

We loved homeschool preschool last year and I didn’t hesitate in the slightest to say that we would be doing homeschool preschool again, except this year we throw in some totschool stuff as well for little Miss Bean!

What exactly is a homeschool preschool unit study?!?

The unit study is really nothing more than a theme. It’s a topic that your child is interested in and you present the opportunities to learn more.

A preschool unit study can be things like space, dinosaurs, farms, insects, airplanes,  horses… The list is endless!

To theme it not to theme… 

You can try to thematically plan everything from snacks to songs to gross motor to mathematics, around your unit study.

Limiting yourself to just your preschool unit study can get very stressful and so I’ve decided this year that we will be doing sort of a half and half. 

We’ll have generic activities, this will often be our language and math work and then we’ll have themed activities that will generally be our science and geography work. 

a pin image that reads 2021/2022 homeschool preschool play-based unit studies with 10 images covering the different preschool unit studies

What are preschool unit studies will look like for a 4-year-old. 

We will be spending about a month per preschool unit study and inside each of those unit studies will have four to five topics that we will cover at any given point. We won’t be spending a whole week on one thing only, We will be sampling and revisiting all the topics over the course of the month.

a table breaking down all the different preschool unit studies that we will cover in homeschool for the 2021/2022 school year

Totschooling plans for the 2021/2022 school year 

As far as totschooling goes I will be covering your more basic concepts. Bean will only be 18 months let me start in the fall So our top schooling activities are really more just to keep her entertained and away from her sister’s work. 

Her activities will be focused on things like colors, shapes, animals, and holiday/seasonal activities.

a table breaking down all the different topics that we will cover in totschooling for the 2021/2022 school year

Freedom and flexibility are major perks of non-traditional school.

One of the luxuries of homeschooling is being able to set your own calendar and our preschool unit studies reflect this. 

We will be taking September for an extended family visit so while we will technically be doing school during that month, we will not be doing much and I will be using it more as review and observation to take stock of where we are for the coming school year.

Another change that we are making is instead of taking a couple of weeks for Christmas break and a couple of weeks for spring break, we will be taking all of December and all of April “off” from school and will again be doing a lot of review and observation as well as seasonal activities!

Enough chatter. You’re here for her homeschool preschool unit studies

I will share them in the order that I anticipate us doing them but full disclosure I will be asking Bitty what she wants to learn about next and we will very possibly be rearranging this calendar based on her interests.

a pin image that reads 2021/2022 homeschool preschool unit studies with an image of school supplies scattered around an open notebook in the background

Homeschool preschool unit study : SPACE

this unit study will include things like the parts of a rocket, I’ll introduce the concept of constellations. And we will cover the order of the planets as well as other objects in our solar system. Bitty is particularly interested in the ISS and what astronauts do.

October Totschool topics

  • Color – orange
  • Shape – rectangle
  • Animals – African
  • Holiday- Halloween/Fall

Homeschool preschool unit study : NUTRITION

We will cover things like food groups and a balanced diet. Where different food comes from, and how it looks like when it’s growing. I want to introduce different kinds of measurements are and what all chefs do in a day.

November TotSchool Topics

  • Color – yellow
  • Shape – circle/oval/semi circle, sphere
  • Animals – Farm
  • Holiday- Thanksgiving/Fall

Homeschool preschool unit study : HUMAN BODY

For this preschool unit study, we’ll be covering the diversity of the human body both in appearance and ability. We’ll talk about our senses and our bones and our organs and what makes us tick. We will also cover things like germs and what it’s like to be a doctor.

January TotSchool Topics

  • Color – red
  • Shape – triangles
  • Animals – Polar
  • Holiday- Winter

Homeschool preschool unit study : EARTH

This preschool unit study will cover things like the water cycle and Land/water formations and different biomes on the Earth. We will also be covering the different layers of the Earth as well as possibly dipping into different kinds of rocks and gems and what a geologist does.

February TotSchool Topics

  • Color – pink
  • Shape – heart, rhombus
  • Animals – North America
  • Holiday- Valentine/ Winter

Homeschool preschool unit study : BIRDS

We’ll do a lot of comparing and contrasting between different kinds of birds and between male and female birds. We will probably pick a couple of birds to focus on and learn about their life cycle and habitats. We will also cover what an ornithologist is.

March TotSchool Topics

  • Color – green
  • Shape – octagon, pentagon
  • Animals – Australian
  • Holiday- St. Patricks/Spring

Homeschool preschool unit study : WEATHER

In this preschool unit study, we will introduce the different types of clouds as well as go more in-depth about the different seasons and temperatures and what causes those changes. We will also go more in-depth with rainbows and we’ll talk about what it takes to be a meteorologist.

MayTotSchool Topics

  • Color – blue
  • Shape – hexagon, trapezoid
  • Animals – Asian
  • Holiday- Easter/Spring

Homeschool preschool unit study : FLOWERS

This actually a unit study that I was prepared to use last year that we never got around to… So we will be studying different types of flowers and the life cycle of flowers as well as different pollinators and what kind of products/uses we can get from flowers. And of course like all our other unit studies we will touch on what a career with flowers looks like, So what a botanist does.

June TotSchool Topics

  • Color – purple
  • Shape – review
  • Animals – Jungle
  • Holiday- Spring

Bonus Homeschool preschool unit studies

In the event that she does not want to do one of these preschool unit studies at all, I do have some backup ideas.

Farms, trees, the ocean, and dinosaurs are all on standby.

And these are just my ideas, It’s possible she’ll come to me at some point with some interest or question that we decide to expand upon!

a pin image that reads preschool unit studies with an image of a small child hands moving beads on an abacus in the background

What kid of preschool unit studies do you think your kid would love?! 

I have really enjoyed sourcing printables and creating some custom ones that I cant wait to share! Be on the lookout over this school year for lots of fun early learning at home! You can keep up to date with me on my Instagram too if you need fun activity ideas in real-time!

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