Homeschool Preschool Space Books your Little Astronaut will Adore!

We have been through our fair share of Preschool Space Books. Bitty has been obsessed for months now and we check them out on the regular, not just for homeschool. So I feel like I have a few solid recommendations for preschool space books your little astronaut is going to adore!

a pin image that reads space books for homeschool preschool with an image of children's picture books about space all laying next to each other

Homeschool Preschool Space Unit Study

I shared all about our homeschool preschool space unit study in another post!  Be sure to check it out if you want activity suggestions and craft ideas!

Our space unit study is something that anybody could do because we rely on books to be our main teaching tool, so don’t forget to check it out after you reserve some of the books below!

a pin image that reads Montessori inspired preschool space study with an image of our homeschool preschool work shelf filled with various different activities

If you have a little astronaut in your home, go to your local library and check out some of these amazing books! You won’t be disappointed!

a pin image that reads books for little astronauts with an image of a preschooler sitting on the floor reading a book surrounded by space books


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General Preschool Space Books

Homeschool Preschool Space books should have lots of information, plenty of big words, but still, keep things simple enough for little minds to start to grasp some concepts. Give your little astronaut any of these books and they will be very happy!

Mars Books

Bitty finds Mars really interesting, especially the fact that there are robots on mars right now! Mars is the perfect topic for some preschool space books as we are learning new things about it constantly! Who knows maybe your little astronaut will be the first person on Mars!

Moon Books

We didn’t focus a ton on the moon this time around but there are some awesome preschool space books that talk all about it!

Astronaut books

You cant have a list of preschool space books and not have a bunch of stuff about astronauts! We really liked the books that talked about what it was like to train, work and live in space the best!

Rocket/ISS Books

This was the section that I think Bitty loved the best and we found some awesome nonfiction titles that were perfect for our preschool space unit study

Constellations books

This topic can be a little difficult to teach so keep your preschool space books about constellations simple and maybe use it as a chance to tell some folklore and legends!

Board Books for Space Tot School

Don’t leave space for your older kids! We started falling in love with space from a very early age and there are some awesome board books out there these days!

a pin image that reads books for little astronauts with a close up of a bunch of space books on our bookshelf

If you want more details on what our homeschool preschool space unit study looked like you can check out this post here where I go into more details about the kind of work that we did during this unit study!

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