The start of the holiday season means that our November toy rotation is sure to be played with a little less than usual, and I don’t mind. Last month our October toy rotation definitely got a little stale by the end of the month so some extra excitement and loved ones to play with will surely help keep things more interesting this month
Free Play toys on display
We display her toys on open shelving in the living room. This makes it easy for her to see what we have available as well as keeps her in our main living space near all the action. Exactly where she wants to be.
We display her toys on trays or low baskets so that she can see what we have out. The exceptions to that rule are her blocks and babydolls. These are in large baskets so there is room for all the pieces.

Play Table Toys
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We have a play table set up with some other toys as well. These toys are rotated more than the others, either due to limited interest or use. Sometimes it’s a sensory toy like floam or kinetic sand, some times it’s a sheet of stickers and paper, or it could be a toy that I know won’t last more than a week before she is bored of it.

For the start of our November toy rotation, I have out her ball run and her ABC picture puzzle.

Gross Motor Toys
We have her Pikler triangle back by the window and her wobble board floating around the room.

She is loving her wobble board lately but more than anything uses it as a slide and a stepstool. So I want to encourage some actual wobbling this month
Free Play Toys

Rainbow stacker – we have a Triangle wooden stacker toy that has been on display in Bitty’s room since before she was born. At 2 and change she stacks the pieces in whatever order she sees fit so I might try sitting down with her to see if we can work on biggest to smallest. Not sure if she understands that yet! ( can’t find our exact stacker but the one I have linked is VERY similar just round instead of triangles)

Construction trucks – Its always a good idea to have something with wheels out and she has been loving the book Goodnight Goodnight Construction Site (highly recommend by the way) We may have to put the two together and do some matching!

Forest Animals and Cave stacker – We actually didn’t have any animals out last month and I think we both missed it! I pulled out our DIY cave stacker I made to go with our forest animals (the buck, bear, eagle, mountain lion, and wolf as well as some random little ones)

Spirit Riding Free Horse – I ended up putting her grey horse away list month after she wasn’t treating it right and she kept asking for it after so we had to pull out a horse again this time. Also I any advice on how to get Spirit’s bangs to lay down?! They are always sticking up like that!

Ball Drop – this has been one of my favorite surprise purchases for Bitty. I picked it up on a whim long before her 1st birthday and she has always been so excited to play with it. Even better we discovered that our DIY wooden balls fit down it!

Musical Instruments – A collection of classic instruments for kids. Also if you have any tips on how to teach a toddler to use a harmonica send them my way. She is fascinated by it but can’t quite figure out how to make it work on her own.

Play Silks & Clips – currently her favorite thing to do is tie one on like a baby sling and carry a baby around with her. It’s adorable.

Wooden Coin and Log Blocks – we cut these from some wood that we found at my parent’s place. I don’t think I have ever pulled these out for her to play with. They are usually part of small worlds or sensory bins but she has been loving them so far!

What do your toddler toy rotations look like?
I was excited for some fresh free play toys this month and I think that Bitty was ready for something different. So far things have been going good but we will have to see how long these keep her interest.

How long do you go between toy rotations? Have you found a magic timeline? Two weeks seems too short but that last week of the month just seems so boring…
I would love it if you tagged me on Instagram if you do toy rotations over there. Its great seeing what kind of setups everyone is playing with!