2019 November Tot School Plans

For our 2019 November Tot School themes, we are going to pretend that it doesn’t look and feel like winter just yet and we are going to play with the color Brown, Trees and fall leaves, and Oval as our shape. We will also be talking about thanksgiving and doing lots of cooking!

Our 2019 November Tot School themes will include the color brown, leaves & nuts and other natural treasures, learning about ovals and a dash of Thanksgiving

Download my Free November Tot School Plans Below

Answering your Tot school questions

I have had some requests to explain or link to the projects that we are doing so I will try my best, but please feel free to comment or find me on Facebook to ask any questions you may have!

Color of the Month : Brown

Our color of the month for November 
 will be the color brown.

We will be doing some pouring play, I’m planning on adding some acorns and leaves as well as a couple of sticks to make it more “fall” themed. As for our mixed media projects are just a large piece of paper and a wide variety of art supplies in the selected color. Crayons, markers, pens, chalk, oil pastels, inkpads, whatever we have on hand.

The ball balance relay is a new activity for us. I plan on setting up a basket of balls on one end of the living room and an empty basket on the other. Then like a classic egg and spoon race, she will transport the balls across the room. Keep an eye out on my Instagram stories to see us attempt this! For the playdough tray, I will use some homemade playdough that I added cinnamon to (makes it smell awesome and it tints it ever so lightly tan and then a collection of brown loose parts. I will probably also find some brown animals to add to it as well.

Mud bath I will add a container of brown oobleck with some toys stuck in the “mud” for her to wash

Some wooden spools and skewers to thread/stack them on

I have a tree and some felt leaves for her to make all the leaves fall off the tree.
Paper scraps acorn will be two tones of brown to glue to an acorn coloring sheet

I am going to pull out our cloud dough and some fall loose parts. You can see more about that next week!

Theme of the Month : Leaves, Nuts, and Trees

Our November Tot School plans about leaves and trees will use lots of natural treasures like sticks, nuts and leaves for our lessons and crafts

We will use the felt leaves from our felt board to sweep up into a pile

Using the same cinnamon playdough we will gather some sticks and leaves (if everything isn’t still covered in snow) you could alternatively use fall floral leaves if you wanted

Our Leaf bath will hopefully use a wide variety of leaves that we collect from our neighborhood. If we cant find any good candidates then we will use some silk floral leaves. I will just add these to the bath for her to explore or sort or whatever she wants to do with them. Fall Leaf cork stamping I will provide a bare tree coloring page and some wine corks to act as stamps in some classic fall colors. She will then stamp the leaves onto the tree

Leaf sorting will either sort the felt leaves or if we end up picking up some fall floral leaves we will start but sorting them by color, but I would like to start introducing big and small as well so we might try that as well

Hopefully, we can find a couple of bigger leaves to paint and then while they are wet use them to make prints (similar to how you do handprint art

Keeping out the cloud dough but changing out the fall loose parts for some nuts and other natural treasures.

Download our November Tot School Plans so you can follow along too!

November Shape of the Month : Oval

We are going to learn a bit about Ovals, really just an introduction to the shape

Clothespin color sort will work her fine motor muscles as well as her color matching. Oval stamping  will most likely be a tube that I shape into an oval that she dips in paint and then stamps on some paper

Straws offer a solid object to cut without being too hard to get through. We haven’t done this before so I’ll let you know how it goes. Our Fall playdough tray will be a selection of fall-themed loose parts like leaf cupcake toppers, tiny pumpkin gems, sticks and nuts

The spa bath is just a bath bomb and I let her wear a little of one of my mud masks. I found a great set of shape do a dot color sheet for her to work on “coloring” in the lines

We will be using her shape sorter cube, but you could also just present some blocks and sort by shape

Our discovery tray will be wooden loose parts like clothespins, blocks, balls, spools, & little wooden boxes.

I am going to pull the rainbow noodles out this week and present her with lots of ways to practice threading them

Thanksgiving Week Tot School Plans

I am not planning out any specific activates for the week of thanksgiving. We will be visiting my parents for the holiday and there will be plenty of people to love on her and keep her entertained. There will also be lots of cooking and sensory fun in the kitchen that week so we really won’t be sitting down to do any tot school lessons. Some ideas I have in my back pocket for the week if we need something are

Tinfoil puzzles, fall play dough tray, rainbow sorting, and some paint chip cutting

my 2019 Novmeber tot school plans are going to cover the color brown, Trees, leaves and nuts, and Ovals. My activities and crafts are all geared towards a 2 year-old.

I want your opinions on the detailed November Tot School plans

Let me know if you like the descriptions of the activities or if you would rather just some quick links! Either is fine with me.

Also if you want to see us actually doing some of our tot school plans in real-time make sure and follow me on Instagram. I try and film at least a couple of our activities each week!

Free Editable Tot School Planner

I know that not all kids are learning things at the same rate so for the moms and littles that need to customize your November Tot school plans I have just the thing! I have a free editable planner that you can fill out as much or as little as you need for your situation! Enter your email and a link will be sent to you with my editable template and you can join in all the tot school fun!

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