A Realistic 2-year-old Routine

Our 2-year-old routine hasn’t changed too much from Bitty’s 18-month routine but there have been a couple of changes so I thought I would make an update! I am a firm believer in toddler routines. They thrive on predictability and honestly, it keeps me motivated as well. So in case you are looking to update your toddler routine now that your little is getting older then read on!

Our 2- year-old routine is simple and strait forward. We don't schedule too much in the day to leave lots of time for free play!
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18 Month Old Routine

Bitty has been on a routine of some kind her whole life. her 18 month routine has just evolved naturally as her needs change. With the exception of us learning her sleep needs as a baby she has been a very good kid as far as going with the flow and I don’t know if that has anything to do with our routines but it makes it nice when I have to change things up a bit!

See how we set up our real life day to day.
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