Sensory Bin Filler Must-Haves

Top 10 Sensory Bin Filler Must-Haves for countless hours of sensory play!

A basic sensory set up is broken down into four parts. The bin, the filler the manipulative and the tools. Here we are going to break down step number two; the filler. I feel that there are some sensory bin filler must-haves that everyone has to experience at least once! Ideally more!]

What is filler or base?

Sensory Bin filler is the main attraction. It’s the sensory in the sensory bin. There are a few different routes you can take sensory bin filler

  • Taste Safe
  • Dry
  • Wet

What you select needs to be based on your child’s ability to keep things out of their mouth as well as the kind of play you’re prepared to clean up!

Taste Safe Sensory Bin Filler Must-Haves

This section is not reserved for young kids but is often a starting point for sensory play especially for babes that just can’t seem to keep things out of their mouth!

Must Haves
  • Rice
  • Dry Oatmeal
  • Noodles
Honorable Mentions
  • Dry Cereal such as rice krispies or cornflakes
  • Cloud Dough – there are multiple ways to make, this version is taste-safe
  • Jello – a great sensory experience but quite messy and tasty too so might end up encouraging further mouthing of other fillers

Dry Sensory Bin Filler Must-Haves

As kids age and become more reliable about putting random things in their mouth we have more freedom in fillers!

Must Haves
  • Beans
  • Fishtank Rocks
  • Kinetic Sand
Honorable mentions
  • Spilt Peas
  • Chickpeas
  • Salt

Wet Sensory Bin Filler Must-Haves

By the very nature these fillers are a little messier, but don’t let that stop you from exploring these sensory bin must-haves! Also a great tip is to do these either outside in the bathtub for easy rinsing if you feel things are likely to get out of control!

Must Haves
  • Waterbeads
  • Oobleck
  • Water/Ice
Honorable Mentions
  • Shaving cream
  • Snow
  • Bubble Foam

No Limits!

By no means is this an exhaustive list of sensory bin fillers. Most anything can be a filler if you try hard enough. Your pantry is a great place to start and you can just keep getting more creative from there!

My personal Sensory Bin Filler Must-haves

When its all just too overwhelming you can always come back to the Sensory Bin Filler Must-Haves.

As in all things, this is just my opinion on what I consider our must have to be. The things that get played with the most, have the most sensory appealing setups, also all of my must-haves can have a lot of versatility to them with a simple change of color or combination and its like it’s all brand new again!

What are your must-haves for sensory bin fillers? I would love to compare!

If you want more ideas about sensory bin setups you can check out my Pinterest board where I save lots of great ideas, some we haven’t tried yet and other tried and true favorites!

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