Tons of Amazing Ideas for a One Year Old Easter Basket

a pi images that reads 40 of the best easter basket ideas for 1 year olds

My One Year Old Easter Basket Ideas cover all kinds of different play to keep your tiny toddler  busy and having fun without a ton of candy and throw-away trinkets!

Everything you could need for an Awesome One Year Old Easter Basket!

My One Year Old Easter Basket Ideas cover a few of the different areas you might want to think about when filling your basket and some of these ideas do lean a little traditionally “girl” but it would be easy enough to substitute in other toys or themes that fit your little one!

I am in no way suggesting you NEED all of the items I list below I am merely listing some of our favorites or things that I am considering for our Easter Basket. Hopefully, this sparks some ideas for your own tiny toddler!

a list that reads 40+ awesome one year old easter basket ideas with categories for eats and crafts, practical life, wearable, free play, outdoor fun and egg fillers

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The cold weather isn’t deterring my tiny toddler from going outside, so I am sure we are going to be spending a LOT of time outdoors this spring, and there is something about Easter Baskets that just BEG for some bubbles and a new ball!


I love arts and crafts supplies for a One Year Old Easter Basket. It’s a perfect excuse to start stocking up on some fun supplies, not to mention that they get used up so its a fun way to test the waters and see what your tiny toddler is ready for!


Tiny toddlers in the 12-18 month age honestly don’t play with a ton. They are so focused on Gross Motor and Practical Life skills that you may end up frustrated at how little they touch their toys…that said there are some gems that do get some love that you might consider adding to your One Year Old Easter Basket.


A One Year Old Easter Basket is also a great place to pick up some seasonally specific clothing items. Trust me on the Play Silks they make the PERFECT first dress-up.


At 12- 18 months, your One Year Old may not be playing much but they are Probably LOVING books, at least we are! Thankfully books for this age range are generally smaller, but some bigger books don’t fit too well in a traditional Easter Basket. I just couldn’t resist sharing some new titles that we are excited about! You can always set them next to the basket or maybe go on an egg AND book hunt!

  • 1000 Things in Nature – I love how many different plants and animals this covers and its on thick cardboard pages so safe for tiny toddlers!
  • The Four Seasons music book – if you’re going to to a music book, at least have pretty music to listen to!
  • Indestructables – great for backseat toys because you don’t have to worry about them!
  • Little Feminists – not an Amazon link but we would REALLY love to add these to our library. So diverse and inclusive!
  • That’s Not My Zebra – It doesn’t matter what animal it’s talking about. We Love them ALL!
  • Moo Baa LaLaLa – I’m gonna let you in on a secret. Im not a huge fan of Sanda Boynton…but both my girls LOVE this book.


I wanted to make sure and include some non-toy items in my One Year Old Easter Basket ideas. These items are where you are really going to want to customize your picks to your kid’s preferred colors, characters, and needs.


We are not anti candy and I am sure we will be adding a little chocolate bunny and some other treats, BUT I think finding actual treasures in the eggs is way more fun! I always try and think of things we actually want and need not cheap junk.

My One Year Old Easter Basket ideas are for a second kid…

Bean is my second kid and thus there are a few things that we already have quite a bit of the basics but, by focusing on items that we use up or wear out there are always a few good ideas to add to a One Year Old Easter Basket!

What are your One Year Old Easter Basket must haves? Anything that I am forgetting that you know your kid is going to LOVE!? Share it down below!

a pin that reads 40 + awesome tiny toddler easter basket ideas for creative play

If you want to know what we are putting in my One Year Old’s Easter Basket I am going to share that over on my Instagram soon!

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