Simple Easter Egg Sensory Bin

An Easter egg sensory bin was a no-brainer this week! Kids LOVE Easter eggs, and Bitty is no different. I don’t know if it’s the surprise of what’s inside or the satisfaction of breaking them open or if it’s some magic smell they give off…lol

a pin images that reas Easter Egg Sensory Bin

What inside an Easter Egg Sensory Bin

whats inside our Easter egg sensory bin

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An Easter Egg sensory bin is SUPER easy bin to put together and odds are you have almost everything you need in the Easter Decoration box! Another bonus, it is really easy to clean up! (No tiny little grains or beans to scatter…)

I have three different sizes of plastic eggs that I have collected over time. They are perfect for keeping the fun going as she opens an egg surprise there’s another egg!

close up of the three sizes of eggs we used

I added the yellow pompoms to fit into the smallest eggs and they are great for tong practice.

tongs, bowl and our bunny stickers

The Easter grass tends to tangle with its self so it stays out of her way for the most part but adds a nice base. She wasn’t a fan of when a strand would stick to her, but hey that is teaching her how to get untangled I suppose! Lol

exploring the easter grass and eggs

Completly Lost when it comes to Sensory Bins?! I’ve Got you covered!

If you want more details on how to build a sensory bin from the ground up you can check out these posts here!

a pin showing mason jars filled with sensory bin fillers
a pin showing differing kinds of tools for sensory bins
a pin showing some examples of toys and loose parts for sensory bins

Tongs are trickier than you think!

We are still working on introducing tongs skills. She is very interested and loves to have us do them but just can’t run them herself just yet. This week I pulled these wooden tongs because the gap is smaller so I thought that that the pompoms could just sort of sit between the tongs without her having to squeeze. Well they are almost too small so I am going to dig around our toolbox and see if I can find a different option!

We also have these little silver cups that fit a little egg inside and you can balance the bigger eggs on top of.

our silver cups and eggs

I didn’t have the stickers when we played the first time so that will be fun for her to explore next time!

The classic egg carton directly pulled from the recycling! This never fails to entertain her.

the egg carton, plastic eggs and pompoms

Free to Explore the Easter Egg Sensory Bin

This bin so far has been a real hit! She loves cracking open the eggs. At first, the big eggs were too hard for her to open but as she has played with it she has figured out how to crack them all! She tries to put them back together but that’s a little out of her range and I don’t expect her to get that this year.

learning to crack easter eggs open

She did also try out some stacking, completely unprompted by me so that was awesome! This child has never been interested in stacking so this was really surprising!

stacking the Easter egg halves

title card for Easter egg sensory bin

Have you ever noticed that kids just seem to have an obsession with plastic eggs? There are so many fun ways to play with them. I kept it simple this year but I am excited for more learning activities as she gets older!

If you want to see even more sensory fun make sure and check out my Instagram where I share all kinds of behind the scenes and other fun we have

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2 Replies to “Simple Easter Egg Sensory Bin”

  1. I found some cardboard “purses” that we are going to put some bunny stickers and crinkle grass in for decorations when you come to visit.

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