Pregnancy Announcement!!! – Kling #2 Incoming

Baby Bean Due February 2020

Its time to Spill the Bean

We are thrilled to announce that baby Bean will be joining our little family in February of 2020. 

Big Sister now in training

I have always planned on having more than one kiddo. I just love being around them too much to stop at one!

Family of three soon to become family of 4

While I was pregnant with Bitty we called her Whozit. It just felt more real than just ‘baby’. This time around I knew I wanted to come up with a new name especially to help make it more concrete for Bitty. I very quickly settled on the nickname Bean for the pure reason that Bitty and Bean sounds like a sitcom and it makes me giggle! So Bean it is and Bean it will probably stay long after baby is born. 😀 

Pregnancy announcement with our daughter and dog

Bean is already so loved and I am anxiously awaiting our 20 scan to see the growth and find out the gender! (I just can’t wait. I need to know! Lol) I will give more details of the first trimester soon.

Pregnancy Announcement Photoshoot

Bitty is at a frustrating age for photoshoots. She is just really not here for it. We had a little pregnancy announcement session while we were home and did manage to get a few good shots. Honestly, I need to adjust my expectations for a little while until she is a little more cooperative. It’s just so hard for me. I live for photos!

So excited to add another little to our family.

If you follow me on social media you will have already seen this announcement, but I had some more pictures from the pregnancy announcement shoot that I wanted to share and for those of you who only follow along here on the blog I wanted to include you as well!

Family picture with toddler and dog
Pregnancy announcement for baby #2 - Big Sister in training

I want to know what you want to know!

You can be sure I have been brewing some post ideas to go along with this pregnancy, but I would LOVE to know what you all would like to read/see! It can be related to pregnancy, baby prepping and even newborn life (cause that part is a coming!) Leave a comment down below with your ideas!

I have plans to do fairly regular pregnancy updates but if you want more bump dates and all the pregnancy goodies make sure and follow me on Instagram!

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