Forest Discovery Split Peas Sensory Bin

This week we are back with our trusty bugs and wood slices, only this time instead of a small world I added them to our Split Peas sensory bin! Split Peas have an almost silky feel to them when they flow over your hand and I love how this sensory bin looks a bit like the forest floor!

Split Peas Sensory Bin Title card showing a collage of images of the sensory bin a toddler playing with the peas, the tools used and the wood slices

Fine Motor Skills at Work

a toddler pouring split peas out of a little metal pot into a forest themed sensory bin

You’ll notice as you start to go through sensory fillers most are great practice for pouring and transferring, and split peas are no exception!

a toddler using a mini shovel in a tray of split peas with mini metal pots and wood slices

Split Peas Sensory Bin Tools

a top down shot of a tray of split peas and all the tools we are using in the sensory bin

This bin can together really easily and then I realized I had forgotten all the tools… I had the bugs and all the wood slices and she had no way to actually play with the peas!

Bitty was helping me set up the bin and selected the green measuring cup so we decided to roll with a whole green motif! I also added in our metal nesting pots for something to pour into.

a toddler playing in a Split Peas sensory bin

I wanted her to have something with more capacity than the little measure spoon so I selected the mini garden tools. These shovels are oriented a little differently than her other scoops so this is a good practice for that fine motor skill!

A close up of the mini garden tools, wood slices and mini metal pots
a toddler playing with mini nesting metal pots

Forest Explorer in the Making

Bitty has always loved to be outside. When she was just born if she was being cranky a quick trip outside would always fix it! She still loves to just go and explore. I’m not kidding that some of her first works were stick and rock and water. I am so excited to get outside this summer and discover all sorts of things with her!

a top down view of the split peas sensory bin and all the tools and extras including wood slices, large bugs, gardening tools and mini metal pots

It can’t just be me that is drooling over these wood slices right? I love them so much. These are a DIY of mine that I made a couple of months ago and I am thrilled with them. You’ll notice I have two different kinds. Ones with no bark at all and some with real gnarly bark. Make sure and check back for a post on these babies soon!

a close up of a large fake grasshopper and wood slices nestled in some split peas

These Bugs have just been bopping around all month. We started with them on the small world table then they went out to the sensory table outside and then I thought we would give them one last hurrah in the split peas sensory bin

Independent Sensory Play Needs Work

I really would like to get to a point where she will play with her sensory bins while I do a workout or something. Right now that is not the case. She wants me right there involved in the bin with her. I’m lucky if she lets me get far enough away to take these pictures!

a Split Peas sensory bin with wood slices, fake bugs and mini metal pots
a title card for a forest themed split peas sensory bin showing a toddler playing with the peas

What Else are Split Peas Good For?

Everybody knows split pea soup but other than that I can’t think of a single recipe that calls for split peas. Not that we ever plan to cook these particular peas I’m just curious… Do you know of any proper recipes for split peas? I’m loving all our nature focused play this month. I can’t believe May is nearly over. We have some big plans this summer and I am very excited to share them with you all. Do you have any big plans for summer or is it all about that chill life for the break? (not that us stay at home mamas really ever get a break!)

a close up of split peas with wood slices and a green measuring cup and mini scoop

Share your Split Peas Sensory Bin!

As always if you set up your own split peas sensory bin tag me @mamameganallya or share it to my Facebook page! I can think of so many different variations for these. I’m sure they will be back soon.

a title card for a split peas sensory bin showing a top down view of the sensory bin
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4 Replies to “Forest Discovery Split Peas Sensory Bin”

  1. Really neat idea for kids! Thanks for sharing this. Sorry, I don’t have any recipes you could use the split peas for. 🙂

    1. Thank you! She keeps asking for her “beas” love that toddler accent! lol

  2. You pictures are wonderful and tell your story! I love your blog. When my grands are here we always have an experiment or project going. I’m going to follow your blog for ideas!! Thank you.

    1. Thanks so much! This is definitely a passion project of mine! I love experiments! I used to do them all the time. T’m looking forward to that kind of play as my daughter gets older!

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