Toddler Easter Basket Ideas

Title card for 18 month old toddler Easter basket ideas

I have been in the process of narrowing down Bitty’s Easter basket for a while now. There were some things that I knew I wanted to get her and then there were some things that I have been wanting to pick up so Easter was the perfect excuse. Add in a couple of impulse purchases and there we go one toddler Easter basket sans candy!

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Oh and by the time Easter happens Bitty will be 20 months but 18 months is way easier to search. 😛

flashback to Sidney's first Easter
excuse the mushy mom moment for a flashback of how cute she was last easter! That little nose wrinkle gets me every time. <3

Trust me when I say we aren’t anti-candy. (I just picked up a ridiculous amount of jellybeans…totally a weakness for me) This will be Bitty’s first Easter egg hunt and we will be celebrating with my parents and they are bound to have plenty of candy on hand so I decided to keep her basket clear of candy so we don’t end up swimming in it.

What’s in my toddler Easter Basket

Title card for whats in Sidney's Easter Basket

Basket Filler

We aren’t going to use any traditional basket fillers this year because I saw the cutest idea earlier this month using fabric, specifically playsilks as filler instead. Its better for the Earth as the plastic stuff is just bad and the paper stuff often just gets thrown away! Here is another item for you little to enjoy! We went with dance scarves instead of play silks but the idea remains the same!

Play Scarves : This is another thing that I have had my eye on for a while. Play scarves and silks are usually a well-loved plaything and we didn’t have any. We’ve been using an old swaddle blanket as a cape for a while so I think these will be a good addition to her basket.

The contents of our toddler easter basket

Construction Trucks : I’ve been waiting for these babies! When I was a nanny they had a set of these mini construction trucks and they are PERFECT in sensory bins. Bitty has been getting more and more interested in trucks/cars/vehicles so these were a no brainer for me.

PlayFoam : This is something that I have known about for forever and just hadn’t ever picked any up. Bitty recently discovered slime and loved it, so I am looking forward to exploring other sensory stuff with her!

Tights : I LOVE June & January tights. They are good and think, nice and stretchy, and come in a rainbow of colors! We found ourselves in need of some grapefruit colored tights after picking up Bitty’s spring wardrobe. Somehow about half of the shirts I picked up all had that coraly/neon orange on them so there really was no option. 😉

Making Faces Book : a holiday cannot go by without a new book. At least in my mind. Bitty is starting to struggle expressing emotions so I thought this book might be helpful in teaching her more about how she’s feeling. That’s the hope anyway!

Do A Dot markers : These were another item that I knew I was going to get her. She is getting more and more into art so I am excited to introduce them to her.

Garden Tools : The tools pictured are not the ones we picked up. We found ours at the Target Dollar Spot. If you act fast you may still find some there. They might also have them back in the gardening section.

Watering Can : Again the cans pictured are not the same as the one we got her. We got ours from (let say it together now) the Target Dollar Spot. I know they have some kids watering cans int he gardening section now, and honestly that’s where I would look first, Amazon didn’t have the best selection for the price I wanted to pay.

Too big for the Basket

Sun Hat : The hat pictured is not actually the hat that she is getting. I picked up hers, like a month ago second hand at Once Upon A Child. The linked one is similar though and I thought it was cute.

Chalk : A classic easter present. She used some chalk last summer but mostly just ate it. I think this summer we will actually get some scribbles. I picked mine up cheap at Micheals I think. If you’re in the market for chalk I would look locally, I think you’ll get a better deal that way!

Bubble Machine : This was the last thing I added to the basket, and truthfully it won’t actually sit in the basket so much as next to it. Bitty like all toddlers has discovered a love for bubbles and I don’t want to stand there and blow bubbles all day. Problem solved. 😀

Egg Stuffers

We are actually taking some of the smaller items and putting those inside bigger prize eggs for her to find. Again not anti-candy just attempting to reduce the candy some. 😉

Felted balls : These are something I have been eyeing for lady’s sensory bin for a while. I debated on these as they are technically a choking hazard based on size…but she never really mouths anything so I decided to risk it. (Naturally, I will be watching her when these get put out)

Bathbombs : These were an impulse purchase and I have since read that they have been known to stain a bathtub or two…so they may wait until summer and be water play for outside!

Hairbows : The hair bows pictured above are not the ones I picked up. I got mine at Target and for considerably less, but Target’s website wouldn’t let me get the pictures so I found some nearly identical ones on Amazon. But seriously just go buy them at Target. Silver Bow & Rainbow Bow

Plastic Animals : We are slowly building up our animal collection. I pick them up one at a time at Hobby Lobby usually that way I can use the 40% off coupon. I already have a penguin and wolf to go with the polar bear and a panda bear and a monkey to go with the tiger. ALSO if you don’t have many animals yet try and get your hands on a Scheich blind bag. You get three for the cost of like 1 and a half! (that’s where I got the panda and the monkey)

Some more toddler Easter Basket Ideas

40+ non candy Easter Basket Ideas

What are you planning on getting your toddler for Easter?! I always find it hard to restrain myself at holidays. I don’t really like to buy presents for no reason but I also don’t like to overwhelm at the holidays…Its a really hard line to balance…

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2 Replies to “Toddler Easter Basket Ideas”

    1. Thanks! It took a while to finish pulling all my ideas together! There are so many things I want to introduce her to and I have to remember we have TIME! lol

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