Toddler 18 Month Update

With Bitty solidly in toddler land things are changing everyday. Tried and true baby tricks are out of the window and she is ready for more “big girl” activities. I feel like toddlers are a whole new challenge, but they payoff is some real connection and communication and I LOVE that!

a toddler with white blonde hair and vivid blue eyes dressed in a pink sweater


Motor skills have never been behind for this little lady. She was walking at 11 months and has never slowed down. She dances all the time (and has some killer moves too), we saw the precursor to jumping the other day and she is climbing her Pikler all the time. She has recently decided that she needs help getting down off her stools, which is a bit of a regression so I am trying to re-teach her how to do that.

Her sign language has really been taking off! She has had all done, more, please, eat, drink and nightnight for months. Help…she does wrong…but she has done it the same way for so long, no matter how many times I correct her that I give up! She also has dog and cat and bird and squirrel, and train. We recently added Daddy and she latched on to that one. Mommy she still won’t do, but she did pick up on the sign we created for her name really quickly.

            She has been able to say Mom and Dada for quite some time, but just a week we added our first other words. Join us, as we have entered the “no” phase. She very clearly says no and yup and actually means what she says maybe 50% of the time. We might also have heard ball, I’m waiting to see if it stays consistent. We do make a lot of animal noises as well. Woof, Meow, Moo, Neigh, Baa are the most common.

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